The beneficial effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (-3 PUFA) on the severity of the disease in RTT
This study mainly aims at examining the erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (FAs) profile in Rett syndrome (RTT), a genetically determined neurodevelopmental disease. Early reports suggest a beneficial effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (-3 PUFAs) on disease severity in RTT.
A total of 24 RTT patients were assigned to -3 PUFAs-containing fish oil for 12 months in a
randomized controlled study (average DHA and EPA doses of 72.9, and 117.1 mg/kg b.w./day,
respectively). A distinctly altered FAs profile was detectable in RTT, with deficient -6 PUFAs,
increased saturated Fats and reduced trans 20:4 FAs. FAs changes were found to be related to redox
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Full details of the study are in the attached file.